Saturday, 4 January 2014

SOCDRAWER - the introduction

This is S.O.C.DRAWER  however twee or formulaic the title, tough shit -  it stands for stream of consciousness drawer, like your sock drawer except it contains some or all of the ceaseless babble that crowds my head.  If you don’t like/agree with it, don’t read it.  Simples.

Being longer in the tooth than some, I will observe the formality of introducing myself, oh who am I kidding, it’s an ego massage.  I am slightly educated, two A levels, but no degree.  I live in London, born here in fact.  I hate ageism and even though my body is now putting up a fight, I think the same as I did in past decades only now I have the confidence to speak up and where possible put it into action.  It is an absolute joy not to give a toss what people think, one of several positive aspects of not being young. Don’t get me wrong (please), the battle against being made to feel that age is a nasty withering disease and that being over 50 means I should just shut up and stay on the sofa, is one I sometimes feel I am losing. Fuck that though.  I write articles, I sing (used to get paid for it) recently joined a gospel choir, I dance for fitness (jazz and zumba) and mainly because it gives me huge pleasure and because I am musical, I’m not bad at it.  I watch all dance programmes and sit there grinning with joy and wonderment when I see talented dancers.  Jazz, hip hop,b-boy, locking,  contemporary, latin.  See I even know the terminology.
 I have a strong particular style that includes a few tattoos, some of you will immediately downgrade me for that, if so, a) I don’t give a shit, b) you are living in the past.  I am short (petite in polite circles) and am a mixture of earthy and head in the clouds.  The earthy side includes being the opposite of prudish.  I am sexual, but that’s none of your business.  I swear lots, but not instead of vocabulary – I love words and use them as an art form. I love to entertain and often bang on about how I wish I had achieved a career in same.  I am happily married to husband three who is one of the few good (at several things) men on this  planet.  He is my friend and wonderfully supportive. Like me he is not conventional or stereotypical.  I don’t do stereotyping.  You’ll notice that from what I write in this blog

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